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Zoe's New Year Reflection

Tiny Revolutions

May 2021’s successes be measured in smaller, bite sized moments.






Zoe Share
January 4, 2021

I have sat looking at this blank document for a long time, not knowing what to say. Every year, I spend time reflecting on the year prior thinking about what I learned and openly intention and goal setting. Reflecting in written word is a practice that I believe in and I made a secret vow to myself that I would do every year, for as long as I made sure I had a place to share it (and even if I didn’t) Today, I revisited my six other years of reflections, from my couch, watching the snow fall, and as I finally start typing, I know that this year, the words are not flowing as easily.

Instead of following my normal format, my wonderful husband encouraged me to write down what my wishes are for 2021 instead of reliving 2020. On December 31, 2020, I am at a point where replaying or revisiting the highs and lows from the year is not what is best for me. I have been taking these holiday days to step back and revisit the things that make me feel good. Last year, my intentional "word of the year" was health, and while I am clearly not clairvoyant, I am mystified by my reflection and how it was about honouring my own health and the health of my company. I now feel immense pressure to set my intentional "word of the year" for 2021 correctly, which is frankly ridiculous.

This pandemic has tested my love of entrepreneurship and my faith that everything will be okay. I have always been so optimistic, unwavering in my belief that we can find the good if we look for it. At times this year, it wasn't so easy to find the sunny side of the street. I am proud of my accomplishments and will actively list them here, because they are nothing to scoff at:

1. Co-authoring and Publishing a children’s book, ABC Stay Home with Me, with Gabriella Rackoff, and having our book sold in Indigo.

2. Donating the proceeds from the book to front line workers, and devoting a good portion of my time in the beginning months of the pandemic building, learning and working with The Home Front.

3. Hiring, growing, restructuring, and showing up for hard conversations with my team – a feat that is worth celebrating any year and especially in a year of major economic changes and global chaos.

4. Working towards launching a new brand, The Brand Voice which includes a podcast and magazine, and being published or featured in various other podcasts and publications, including the Branksome READ alumni magazine.

5. Growing a human life (yes, I am pregnant with my second child!) and caring for my young daughter.

6. Helping my husband to launch his business – two entrepreneurs in the house during a pandemic, while pregnant, makes for some interesting spread sheeting nights.

…the list goes on, and I am immensely proud of myself and what my body and mind can create, but I am also needing to look for new ways to structure my life in 2021.

As I write this list, I realize something about my goals for 2021. In a year from now, I don’t want to make a list of my accomplishments; I don’t want to feel beholden to a practice I started 6 years ago that doesn’t serve me anymore.

What I need to do in 2021 is find the small moments that move me forward in the direction I want to be going. If it’s got to be a list of accomplishments I look back on in a year, I hope the list will look more like this.

-       Helped 5 employees discover their strengths

-       Offered 7 new people full time employment

-       -Felt confident that my company is adding value, 83% of the time

-       Had 100 conversations with people that made me feel alive

-       Kept up my smoothie delivery service so I have a balanced diet every day

-       Smelled my new baby’s head.

-       Shared what I learned with people openly.

-       Helped 6 clients achieve their company's big hairy audacious goals.

Here is my wish for 2021.

May 2021’s successes be measured in smaller, bite sized moments – may we not jump back to “bigger is better,” “go big or go home,” – may we enjoy the gifts of life we have been given as much as possible. May we revolt against our own limiting beliefs and make space for new possibilities to arise...

...and maybe now, I've gotten to my word(s) of 2021. Let's see how the words "Tiny Revolutions" goes as my theme for 2021. To revolt against the expectations we have set for ourselves in every other year and redefine what makes life magical for us.

Happy New Year, to all!

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